The Project

It has been suggested that Europeanisation enhances the possibilities of resolving a conflict. Indeed, the positive impact of Europeanisation on the stabilisation of some conflicts such as the ones in Northern Ireland, Serbia/Kosovo and Serbia/Montenegro is well attested. 

But what happens when a State withdraws from the EU? Does its detachment from the EU structures lead to the deterioration of the environment of a given conflict? Brexit offers a unique opportunity to analyse this unprecedented phenomenon as it will affect three territorial borders and boundaries that are all somehow linked with conflicts.

The aim of the project is precisely to assess the effect of Brexit on the territorial borders and boundaries in Ireland, Gibraltar and Cyprus (where the UK has two Sovereign Base Areas) and the conflicts linked with them. It will do so by focusing on four distinct but interrelated aspects:

1. Brexit Challenges on boundaries and the conflicts linked with them;

2. The visions of the UK, the EU and its Member States in addressing those challenges;

3. The idea of differentiated Brexit;

4. Lessons to be learned from other borders and conflicts.

The project is generously funded by UACES (Small Event Grants) and UEA's HEIF Impact Fund.


The Team

Meet the team running the project. 


Four Background Papers

The project builds on Nikos's previous research on the interrelationship between EU law, comparative constitutional law and conflict resolution theory. Here are  four papers that provide for the theoretical background of the current project.


The Conference Programme

The Conference will take place on 26 January 2018 in the Reading Room of the Carlton House Terrace, British Academy, London.

Here you can find the programme


The Speakers

Find short biographical notes of the speakers.

The Policy Papers

Following the conclusion of the conference, two policy papers have been published. You will find them here.